Aussie /
The Refinanceers


Where record-breaking low interest rates saw a flood of buyers in the market, the new world order of constant cash rate rises now has everyone scurrying to navigate the minefield of refinancing offers, making it even harder for the Aussie brand to stand out as an option.

Homeowners were suffering decision paralysis. With the market in such a volatile state, they were so unsure of what the best move was, they simply didn’t make one. 

In such a time of need, we knew Australians wanted someone who truly had their back. So, we created THE REFINANCEERS, Aussie’s superhero-like team of brokers. It gave homeowners who were looking to refinance their home a go-to team to help make their home loans work harder for them.


In the face of fierce competition, and a lot of noise from competitors, Aussie managed to stabilise market share and navigate through very unpredictable market conditions.