Circles.Life /
#Unfuck 2020
It was 2020 and COVID had just started running riot around the world. Soon after, we were plunged into lockdowns and uncertainty. At the time, we thought this was as bad as it was going to get - how wrong we were! Circles Life – a Singaporean telco - had recently launched in Australia and wanted to (in their words) “make some noise”. DO was tasked with trying to put the brand on the map with a miniscule budget.
We created the subtly titled: #Unfuck2020. At the top of the campaign pile was a 1.2metre bronze sculpture of a middle finger, placed outside the other large telco’s asking them to ‘f**k off’ and stop ripping off Australians. You could also order the finger to be left outside someone’s home or office, to share the sentiment. A digital and social campaign followed, culminating an overall sense of frustration for the large telcos. Achievement: Unlocked.

Needless to say, the campaign made a mark. For a Singaporean telco brand that was previously unknown in Australia, the 1.2 metre bronze middle finger made waves, with the eye-catching campaign getting people talking about the brand, helping them to become one of the fastest-growing telcos in the region.